Saturday, May 23, 2009
Today is the day that we leave for ISC! Of course most of you know that we are burying my grandpa today so i will be headed to Warrensburg on my own (well my mom and dad are driving me down so not really on my own), I'm sad about what today will bring. It hasn't sunk in yet that my grandpa has passed away I still expect to see him at church or when I go to there house. Someday it will hit me and it will be a hard day. Well, OK, let's move on to happier things like...birthdays! Today is one of my very good friends birthday! So a special shout out to my friend Hannah! Happy 17th! I hope its a great year for you! Well, I won't be blogging for about a week or so. I know, how sad! It's for a good reason though!Please be in prayer for my family as we face new challenges and hardships in dealing with the passing of my grandpa. Also, be in prayer for the O'Dell family as they also face hardships. The found out that their uncles cancer is to large to be removed by surgery, so the doctors are going to use radiation to try to shrink first. One more thing to be in prayer about is that the school kids will do good at ISC! We will do our best, but we need your prayers! So to sum it all up, pray for my family, the O'Dell family, and that we all do good at ISC! Thanks for reading!
P.S. I wrote something else but it's under my piece about Jeff City, so if you have time, please check it out!