Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Woo Hoo! I'm home for the summer! It's been great so far! You never appreciate the small things your parents do for you until they aren't there to do it for ya lol. Well, I completed my first year of school. It was so awesome. I grew in the Lord so much. I learned more than what was taught in the classroom. I learned how to make new friends (I've been in the same place for the 16 years and have had the same friends that long too, it's a big deal ok!), how to make my own money and budget it, pay my school bill, and most importantly. . .trust God with not just the big things but the little things. It's so easy to have something tramatic happen and run to God. What I find difficult is turning to God for the little things. Besides learning new things. I've seen and experienced many, many things! Things I've seen: Giant soda bottle at Pop's, a new chapel built, needs met, hearts broken, hearts mended, friends reunite, friends stop talking, tears of joy, utter devistation, a sister mourn over the death of her brother, many, many, many enagaments, and the hand of God change many lives! I could go on forever talking about what I've seen and experienced but I don't think you want to read all of that! To sum it all up. . . God is good and He always will be!

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